26 February 2013

Impressions from Tactica 2013

This weekend Mike (http://dreispitz.blogspot.de), Chris (http://christopher-bunkerhill.blogspot.de/), Franz (Sorry, no Blog^^) and me made a trip to the Tactica 2013 in Hamburg.
The weekend was great and we had a lot of fun.
We met a lot of nice people and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Beside the traders (where I almost not only spent all my money but my soul^^) there were lots of great looking tables. Unfortunately because of the overflow of impressions I didn't manage to take pictures of all the tables though all of them would have earned it.
And for those I photographed I don't always remember who made them :-)

So now on to the pictures!

First of all the amazing "Adventures in Bruegelburg" table using the Bruegelburg Miniatures Range by Lead Adventure Miniatures.

Swiftly followed by the great "A song of ice and fire" table using the SAGA ruleset.

Ok, here we go with the stunning "Too late - Khartoum 1885" by the infamous Frank Becker using the Colonial Adventures ruleset.

"Sharpe's Gun" by Lt. Hazel (http://theleutnantsdiary.blogspot.de/) using Triumph & Tragedy. I enjoyed inspecting it a lot.

Now on to my personal favourite "Robberknights of Tannenberg" a Impetus game ran by Spieltrieb Frankfurt.

"Attack on the Reichstag" using Rules of Engagement from Great Escape Games by Schmockblog. This great presentation made me buy the plastics russians by Warlord... just don't know if I should regret it^^? Ok, the figures are nice I have to admit...

The "Dystopian Wars" table was great too, even if I'm realy not interested in the game...

And last but not least some impressions from tables I don't know who did them and what rules were used:

This one is from Pardulon I think:

 A great weekend, a great convention and lots of nice pople. Looking forward to the next year!

 Oh... before I forget: Thank you Mike for driving us there!


  1. Schöne Bilder, vor allem die Platte mit dem Reichstag ist ja toll! *lach*


    1. Mir ist noch was aufgefallen: Wir haben auf unserer Platte nicht Bolt Action, sondern Rules of Engagement gespielt - sonst ist alles super. :-)

    2. Oha... Wird selbstverständlich gleich geändert :-)
      RoE? Noch ein Grund mehr, dass ich ein Spiel mitmachen hätte sollen.

      Ich war im Uebrigen der, der dich zum P1000 Ratte von FiB befragt hat.

    3. Ah, endlich ein Gesicht! Es ist immer schwierig, die leute zuzuordnen, wir müssten mal Namensschilder einführen. :-)

      Die Platte habe ich auf der Tactica verkaufen können (endlich wieder Platz für neue Projekte) aber wenn Du irgendwann mal in der Nähe von Hildesheim bist, sag' bescheid, dann machen wir ein Spielchen!

  2. It was indeed great fun and the presentations fantastic! I also enjoyed the drive up and back as the wonderful conversion made the hours fly bye!:-)

    Super pics and look forward to doing it again even if my wallet protests!


  3. Wirklich sehr schöne Bilder!! Man bekommt ein wahnsinnig gutes Feeling für die Veranstaltung! :)
    I am impressed!
    tom aka constable

  4. Hi Nick,
    I didn't realize that you've taken such a lot of photos there. :)
    Very nice pictures.
    The Sitz-Krieg-Heroes will be in Hamburg again. That's for sure.

  5. Greate picture of many greate looking games !!!

    Thanks for the inspiration !

    Best regards Michael


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