Having recently painted a small contingent of Spanish Foreign Legionaries to get started on the Spanish Civil War, it was only a matter of time till I'd get to the opponents.
30 April 2017
23 April 2017
First entries to the LPL and a new camera
Again it's been quiet around here for a few weeks, but work on various projects has continued nonetheless. As mentioned in my last post on the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge blog (which I completely forgot to post on here), this year I'm taking part in the so called Lead Painters League over on the Lead Adventure Forum. It's an interesting experience to actually compete with other painters for the first time and I do enjoy it quite a lot.
As a positive side effect I'm painting both more in terms of quantity and more frequently as I want to submit a new team for each of the 10 rounds. We'll see how this works out ;-)
As an aside I've shared out some cash and bought myself a new camera. I decided to spend a little more than for the last, in the vain hope it'd improve my photography skills by just owning better equipment, and went for a Canon EOS1300D. It's the first reflex camera I've ever owned and as it turns out it needs quite some more practice than my former compact cameras.
I'm still in the process of getting the colour balances right... *sigh*
But on to the pictures.
First let me introduce you to the Occulites, some small and quite fancy miniatures from a game produced by Darwin Games in Australia. These are the original metal sculpts I bought for my wife a few years back, not the newer plastic figures.

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