19 February 2013

Fall of the western Empire 11: Late Roman Warband ready for battle

These days I finished the last three mounted Palatinae/ Advocati and now I'am finally done with my Late Roman Warband. Unfortunately I've forgotten to take pictures of the last group of Comitatenses I completed last week.
I have to admit it was hard to stay focused especially in the last few weeks particularly as I normaly am some kind of project hopper.
I don't think this project is realy finished for long but it feels great to say so.
As I started the warband I never would have believed that I'll need four months to get 54 figures done but better late than never.

At first a groupshot of warband in all its pride:

If I'll have enough sparetime after our trip to Tactica this weekend I`ll try to get some better pictures done.

But first some closeups of the recently finished mounted Palatinae:

Hope you've enjoyed following this project as much as I enjoyed painting it. At the moment I don't realy know what to do next... so stay tuned.


  1. Great looking group shot Nick they look wonderful! You need to bring them next time you visit so I can get a closer look.:-)


  2. Congratulations on some really nice work!

  3. Nice Work, especially the cavalry miniatures have a lot of character!
    Hope to see you Saturday.


  4. Stunning!!!

    Greate work !!!

    Best regards Michael

  5. Brilliant! Great looking set of figures!!

  6. it's always cool to see a project finish. red is really a nice color. :-)

  7. Hi Nick,
    Beautiful stuff. I share your difficulties in staying on a project and finishing it. So you can be proud of having completed a very good looking unit or army.

  8. Great looking figures, a fantastic work!

  9. Bravo, wonderful work! As luck would have it, I've found a couple of fellows in my area who are willing to give DB a try. If we make the leap, I'll be coming back for inspiration.


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