
31 December 2021

[20mm] German & Soviet Support

Well, the last day of the year is finally upon us and the 12th iteration of The Painting Challenge is already well underway. SoI thought it best to finally take pictures of the last stuff I managed to finish before the latter kicked off. There are still a few half finished items sitting on the shelf, but these will either have to wait till after the challenge, or I'll have to bite the bullet and miss out on points. 

Also I want to take the opportunity to thank fellow blogger Airhead from "Take The High Ground" blog, who pointed me into the right direction in regards to my problems with commenting on your blogs. Thanks Airhead!

Anyway, on to todays offerings I'd say.

23 December 2021

[20mm] First Canadian Squad

I'm still experiencing problems with Blogger on my Apple devices. Instead of getting better it's getting worse. Somehow I have the feeling they're trying to force me to use their bloomin' Chrome browser as every other browser I've used so far wouldn't work. So apologies (again) to all the fine people on who's blog I failed to comment. 

Todays offerings are my first painted squad of Canadians. I've painted them as PPCLI (Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry) as I want to use them for Italy in the long run. That said I won't be shy and will field them in France just as well.

12 December 2021

[20mm] German Support Options

With the Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge looming large on the horizon it's about high time that I clear my backlog of as of yet unpublished figures. It's actually not that much, mind. And as I don't even own some of them anymore anyway I can't actually show them all.
Still, my 20mm Germans needed some more support options. So here are the first of hopefully a whole lot more.

02 December 2021

More SciFi - Oldhammer Delaque for Necromunda

First of all I do have to apologize to all of you on whose blogs I've failed to comment. For once it's not due to me being a lazy sod, I swear. For weeks now I've been having issues with blogger on my Apple devices. On some blogs my comments simply disappear. I've not quite worked out why, but it seems rather consistent. There are blogs I do have absolutely zero issues with commenting on and then there are those where my comments vanish into thin air... until very recently I thought it had to do with comment moderation and that my comments needed to be moderated first. But alas, no such thing. I'll of course try to work out the issue, but till then all I can do is to apologize to you for not commenting.

With that out of the way, now onto the main reason for this post:

Following on from last weeks Eldar today it's the turn of a few classic Delaque miniatures to have their place in the lime light. Back when Necromunda was first released I always had an eye on the game, but being young and broke meant I never got into it. Looking back it'd probably have made more sense to collect one or two gangs of Necromunda instead of trying (and of course failing) to collect an Imperial Guard army with the meagre means at my disposal. Oh well, the folly of youth...

27 November 2021

Eldar Rangers

Once in a blue moon I feel like doing some Sci-Fi stuff, preferably set in GW's Warhammer 40k universe. Even if the chance of me playing one of their rulesets is impossibly remote, I still am quite a fan of the setting. Or at least of the setting as it was about 10 years ago... but that's probably due to me slowly but steadily becoming old and grumpy.

01 November 2021

Waffen-SS Eichentarn Winter Colour Guide

Well, OK. I've promised to write this Colour Guide for way too lang already. And in actual fact I already posted it on Twitter way back, but as that's not really the most well suited platform for such a thing, I thought I should finally get my finger out and post it over here as well. For posterity so to speak ;-)

24 October 2021

[20mm] Airborne Jeep with German & British Crew

As some of you may be aware, my good friend Curt of fame and I have a miniature exchange ongoing. Not sure for how long but by now a fair few figures have crossed the Atlantic either way to find residence on another continent. For this years figure I was at first at a loss as what to paint, when Curt made a fleeting remark about wanting to do a force for OP Market Garden at some point. And there it was my inspiration. 

Picture taken from

17 October 2021

[20mm] 3rd German Squad and some support

Again some time has passed by since my last post. And actuallyI got some more reinforcements for my Germans done. As before these are from the superb range of 20mm WW2 figures by AB Figures.

28 August 2021

[20mm] 2nd German Squad

Apologies my friends as I've been AWOL (again) for a while. Nothing too serious, but life has a habit of getting a little hectic at times. Also I have to admit I've simply not felt like taking pictures of my progress. It's so much easier taking a snap shot with your mobile phone and posting it to your social media of choice, than investing the time in setting up your 'proper' camera equipment. Make of that what you will, but I hope to get some more stuff posted again over the coming weeks. 

03 June 2021

[20mm] Soviet Armour

Continuing on with the WWII in 20mm theme I've finished some Soviet armour to provide a heavy punch against those dastardly invaders. I tried not to go overboard with the weathering and think I've more or less succeeded. Maybe a little more dust around the lower hulls would have enhanced the look even further, but even after all those years I'm still not comfortable with those weathering powders

18 April 2021

[20mm] More Soviet reinforcements & First German Squad

Following on from my last post today we have some more Soviets as well as the first Germans in 20mm. But let's start with the Soviets shall we? Again these are lovely sculpts from AB Figures

26 March 2021

[20mm] Soviet ZIS-3 AT gun and medics

Well, usually I feel somewhat exhausted after the three months of AHPC but not this year apparently. I'm still on fire and chomping at the bit to crack on with my foray into the world of 20mm wargaming. Thus this the Vaccination Challenge mate Curt has currently declared over on the corresponding blog should be just the ticket to keep me focused. If you fancy a bit of good humoured banter and need some incentive to get the finger out in these troubled times, why not simply join in in the fun?

21 March 2021

Reinforcements for the 20mm Soviets project

So here we are, yet another challenge has drawn to an (untimely) close. As others I haven't painted nearly as much as I planned for but I definitely painted more than I had hoped for. With this final submission I will have a good few support selections for my 20mm Soviets in games of Chain of Command. A force I hadn't even planned to paint this year at all. Well laid plans and so on...

14 February 2021

WW2 Soviets in 20mm (Dohh!)

A new scale Hurrah! It's not like I've already got a good collection of 28mm and a somewhat smaller one of 15mm for WW2. No, I've had to branch out into 20mm as well it seems.

I actually blame this latest fools errant on friend Curt of Analogue Hobbies fame, who despite my strongest objections, didn't stop trying to lure me into the abyss. What kind of person must he be to do something like this to one of his weaker minded fellow men I ask you? Quite a devilish one, I tell you! 
Anyway, years later and quite a few bucks poorer, here I am with not only a readily playable force of 28mm Soviets for Chain of Command, but a fledgling one in 20mm as well. And all that while I actually don't really fancy gaming the Eastern Front.

04 February 2021

Wrapping up the Airborne project

Yet another submission to the AHPC:

I'm sure many of you know the feeling. In the one moment you're happily beavering away on a project when all of a sudden you feel it has run its course. For the moment at least. Now that's exactly what happened here. I got a few more British Airborne for Operation Market Garden done and that'll be it for now. I might get my acts together and add a few things to round out the opposing SS force... or I might not. We'll see.

28 January 2021

1940 BEF - Matilda II

Yet again another entry in the Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. At the moment I'm experiencing a rather uncommon quiet time at work meaning I find myself with more time at my hands to pursue the hobby.

24 January 2021

British Intelligence Officer

The Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is still going strong, so here's my fifth submission for those of you who don't follow our progress there:

Another chamber that took some heavy head scratching. I mean, like many of you I do have a few Fantasy figures flying about the place which would have fit the bill. But I'm not a Fantasy gamer and only once in a blue moon actually fancy the idea of painting anything Fantasy. Thus I was on the verge of skipping this chamber...

12 January 2021

Para Support Choices

The Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is in full swing, so here's my fourth submission for those of you who don't follow our progress there:

As we step into the chamber, portentously named Pit of the Pendulum, we stop dead in our tracks. "What's that? That's no bloody pendulum!" we mutter to ourselves as from out of the dark comes a trio of men in camouflage smocks. Their faces, half hidden beneath their helmets, curiously distorted by the dim flicker of a flame not bigger than a candle. It's only when they stop just a few feet away that we realize with horror it's no candle but the pilot flame of a flame thrower...

06 January 2021

British Paras

As some of you fine folk may know I'm eagerly (ah, well more like glacial-ish) painting away on a 28mm Para force for gaming Operation Market Garden since... ahem... since AHPC VI, so 2014 actually. Now I bet that wouldn't strike even the slowest painter amongst us as particular ambitioned, or indeed eager, and rightly so. Having painted a playable SS force as opponents over the course of that (wretched) last year I decided I better get my finger out and finish those Paras.

02 January 2021

Schaeffer's last Chancers - Reunited at last

Having painted Scope for my last entry for AHPC XI I thought I might just as well crack on and finish the remaining five Chancers. So after almost five years they're finally reunited.