
17 January 2016

1st submission to the challenge: Curtgeld: Han Solo (20 Points)

I had a late start into the challenge this year but last week saw me finally entering the roster of the VI Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. Right now the second of the 'Theme Bonus Rounds' is underway and if you want to treat you to some mighty fine and inspiring brush work you should make sure to head over and leave your vote.

Finaly I'm able to submit my very first entry to this years challenge. May I present to you my latest project,  a terrain build in 1/1 scale:

The lovely Mrs. Moiterei and me bought a flat in the heart of Nuernberg a few years ago. Now we're slowly about to renovate it. This year it was the kitchens turn to get a full make over. The walls were scraped clean of wallpapers, the seams between the sheetrocks newly filled and sanded, and the floor and one side were finaly tiled. Well, what's still to do? Plenty I'd say! Plastering the walls, building a new ceiling with integrated LED spots and assembling the new kitchen... With last years challenge also hampered by building works, my big goal is to be able to participate in next years challenge with the flat completely renovated and me taking full advantage of 4 weeks of winter holidays.

Well ok. As I suppose Curt isn't anymore likely to grant points for a terrain build , even if it's 1/1, than he is for office furniture, I should get on with something relevant I guess.

So here's my Curtgeld for this year. A (slightly larger than) 28mm Han Solo miniature from the Rebel Assault board game by Fantasy Flight Games. Actually this was planed to be my submission for the Nostalgia bonus round, but for reasons mentioned above I simply didn't get it done in time. So instead of waiting to submit it for the last bonus round (gamblers/ risk takers) I finally wanted to be on the roster. For god knows when I come around to paint something else than the kitchen...

So why Han Solo as Curtgeld and why Nostalgia, you may ask. As you're all aware Curt has asked us for a miniature of a gambler and/ or risk taker. Anybody who knows the original three Star Wars movies will know Han Solo fits both rolls perfectly. He's a daredevil par excellence and when he's not risking his or the lives of his comrades he likes to play Sabbac (a Sci-Fi kind of Poker I'd say). And therefore he's also literally a gambler.

And why Nostalgia? Well, Star Wars was one of the very first movies I can remember watching together with my father as a child. Since the very first moment I was hooked by this epic tale of good versus bad. It never really let me go and always was a part of my life, one way or the other. Be it for books I read, toys I collected or even video games I played. Fond memories of X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter on my very first PC spring to mind....

Well, I disgress. Han Solo always was the character I loved the most. No Luke Skywalker, no Princess Leia, no Darth Vader, for me it was Harrison Ford as Han Solo who made the movies to what they are.

Due to the material used the figure was a pain in the back to clean but, except for some weak detail on the sleeves, was a joy to paint. In my opinion it captures the character perfectly and is a must have for any avid Star Wars enthusiast.


  1. Absolutely stunning! Like you Star Wars was a huge part of my childhood and might well have been the first film I saw at the cinema so I always have a fondness for all things that relate to it, especially when they look this good!

  2. I agree with your sentiments - it's an ensemble cast but the character and performance of HF as HS was superb. It's interesting how he does something similar in the new film, too. Love what you've done on the figure - did one of these myself, though not quite as well, before Christmas :)

  3. Wonderful painting and a fine start to your challenge

  4. Superb, I'm equally impressed by your large and small scale projects!

  5. I've played the Imperial Assault campaign, and those minis were first class! Needless to say, you've made a small master piece here Nick. This is exactly what Han should look like, you've really nailed the off-white on his shirt. I think a late congrats on the apartment is in place. Nurnberg is really charming, and Alte Küch'n was a personal favorite for sure...

  6. Fabulous brushwork - that's definitely him!

  7. Great paint job. Just looks like the real Han Solo.

  8. I know just how you feel. I like a lot of Sci-Fi but Star Wars is on a whole different level of cool. I believe John William's musical score had a lot to do with this. By the way your Han Solo looks superb!!!

  9. Cool model and fantastic paintwork!

  10. Excellent work on him! Hope you can get your renovation finished soon! It can be really darn frustrating at times, but it's definitely worth it in the end

  11. A fantastic painted Solo that would make Mr. Ford smile!

