
23 December 2015

Franco-Prussian War French Line Infantry

As some might have noticed, Sören of Black Powder Games blog fame has anounced the start of a new company specialising in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 - 71. If not you definitely should pay a visit to his blog and see for yourself.

I was a little surprised when in August he sent me these early casts in exchange for something tasty and uniquely German I've dispatched to Sweden earlier. I'm curious if this could work again ;-)
By this time I was tinkering with the idea to start a project for this period for quite a while already. Only a lack of a nice AND comprehensive range has stilled my fingers so far.

Just when I've turned my mind towards going 15mm, these arrived at my door step. As I'm definitely no one to turn down the chance of painting some lovely miniatures for a period close at my heart and unreleased ones at that, the decision was made. I'll stick with the bigger scale.

Unfortunately I had one of those (not so rare) awkward painting accidensts when the batch was almost done. While they were patiently sitting on my work bench, waiting for their last touch ups and a final coat of matt varnish, I've actually managed to sprinkle them liberaly with black primer when I undercoated some other miniatures. You might probably imagine my terrified face  when I came back to finish them the day after and discovered the mess I've created. Well, what should I say? It ment back to start for most of the figures.

The detail on the back pack is amazing...
I'm not completely sure about the basing yet and therefore will wait for Sören to give some more info about the ruleset that is planed to accompany the release of the miniatures.
Ok, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed and if you have only the slightest interest into the Franco-Prussian war keep an eye on Sörens blog for updates on the subject.

A merry Christmas and an enjoyable festive season to all of you.


  1. Great paint jobs, as always. You've really kicked the models off for him in style.

  2. Superb painting! I shall follow further developments with interest...
    ...and a Happy Christmas to you and yours :)

  3. Excellent paint job. And also nice figures.

  4. Absolutely stunning and a very Happy Christmas to you.

  5. Very nice figures and lovely paintjob too.

    Happy Christmas to you

  6. Excellent work! Merry Christmas.

  7. Cracking job on the brushwork as usual Nick! Looking forward to more! Merry Christmas!


  8. That was a bummer with the black primer, glad to hear you bounced straight back. Your painting is a great advert for the figures.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  9. Lovely work as always! I love red trousered French. Merry Christmas!

  10. Quite splendid and full of character. Your friend is indebted to you for showing his figures to best advantage.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  11. I like the miniatures, they look fine. Of course the paintwork is great, too.
    Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

  12. Oh my goodness, this is superb work. Love it Moiterei!
    Also, here's wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

    1. Just a quick additional comment ... I would keep the bases neutral (perhaps white as in snow although that might not be suitable for the period) as the present colour scheme is already very good.

  13. Excellent work! And Happy Holidays to you!
