
27 March 2019

Last entry to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge: Curtgeld, French and a smattering of 15mm

The canal simply didn't fit into the booth
A last Hurrah of sorts really. Despite having reached my highest points total yet -most of it due to bonus points- I haven't been as productive by far as I'd have wished to. Especially when compared to what I managed to paint last year I'm a little disappointed  by my own efforts. Still it was a jolly good ride and an experience I wouldn't have wanted to miss.

22 March 2019

Panzerjäger I

I'm once again back with more Panzergrau in tow, today in the form of the puny Panzerjäger I by Warlord Games. What struck me as rather odd with this vehicle was the lack of any crew besides the moulded in driver. Thus I had to press gang some Perry Miniatures from their DAK range. They're maybe a little scantily dressed for service in France, but they were the only figures I could find out there which seemed to fit.

18 March 2019

T-26 tank

When Rubicon released their plastic T-26 late last year I kew I had to get me one of these iconic tanks. As with others of their kits I was rather impressed by both the quality and detail these guys have managed to put into this kit. Once I had chosen which of the ten possible variants I wanted to make the assembly was straightforward. It also came as a pleasant surprise that there were more than enough parts to build another turret to go with the tank.

14 March 2019

1940 BEF

Having just added to my Early War Germans I felt it was about time to add a little to their opponents. Some of you might remember earlier efforts of mine (has it really been 4 years again?)  on much the same figures. Believe it or not it took me the best part of a month to get these fellas done and dusted. I blame a rather busy schedule with me being away from home for the most part of that time.

06 March 2019

Last rites

"Nicht wofür wir kämpfen ist das Wesentliche, sondern wie wir kämpfen."

- Ernst Jünger -