
22 October 2017

More SCW Republican Reinforcements

Today I finally sat down and took pictures of most of the miniatures I painted over the last few months. Actually enough for a couple of blog posts, so watch this place.

First off a second squad for my International Brigades.

I've changed my take on the skin tones as the first batch came out too pale/ sickish. Will probably have to go back to the original ones as it really irks me.

I've been playing around with my camera again and slowly but surely it's getting there I feel. At least when photographing before a scenic back drop. Trying to take pictures in front of a monochrome background still doesn't yield the results I'm after. Think I'll have to treat myself to one of those photography workshops...

As ever these are taken from the excellent Empress Miniatures Spanish Civil War range.

I'll go to Crisis in Antwerp this year and thus will be able to stack up my stash directly from Empress. It's probably a first time for me running out of miniatures for an ongoing project before having placed a new order.


  1. They are just great again, as one would expected it from you ;-)
    The new skin color for your Republicans looks really good!

  2. Splendid additions to your collection.

  3. Such tremendous work Nick, a fabulous unit.

  4. Just cracking great work Nick!! These are superb additions to your collection!


  5. wow! very colorful! no idea, but have you seen the SCW Paintguide from Painting War? Coincidentally i bought the book to get more ideas for uniform colors.

    1. Thanks Alex. I know the magazine and will probably pick it up at some point but I‘ve quite a hand full of spanish books on the subject for reference.

  6. Lovely stuff. A great looking squad.

  7. Excellent painting! I really like the backdrop for the miniatures, I always feel miniatures look better in front of terrain than just plain white or black!

    Will you be getting the Empress GIs and Germans for the late War? Would love to see them painted by you ;)

    1. Thank you Mark. As for the Volksgrenadiers! who knows ;-)

  8. lovely detailed painting
    cheers John

  9. Cracking work Nick! Running out of miniatures for a project sounds like a good idea! I have the awful habit to buy everything for a project at once and more often than not my plans change along the way and I end up not needing some things and buying more of others...

  10. Fantastic work on the minis and as for the photographs, they look good too. Love the sharp focus on the minis as the background fades out of focus.

  11. Lovely. If you want to add some variety to the figures take a look at the North Star International Brigade, they do mix in quite well.
