
22 September 2015

First Greyscale French Paratroopers for Indochina

Finally I've pulled the finger out and got going on the Paratroopers for my French Indochina war project in Greyscale. To be honest it really proofed to be a quite daunting and especially different task to try to emulate camo patterns in Greyscale compared to the rather straight forward Viet Minh.

With quite a limited palette one is almost only restricted to trying to get the shape of the camo right instead of using different colours. I've used a lighter base colour on the TAP47-52  blouse worn by the wounded compared to my slightly darker take on the British Denison pattern on his trousers and the medics uniform.

I'm still not really convinced if I actually nailed it but that's what looked most convincing from several test runs. I also tried to do these in 'real' Greyscale i.e. using only a palette of black, greys and white but in the end it looked more like some modern urban or snow camo than what I was aiming for.

Unfortunately Redstar Miniatures closed down their business and sold the figures to Empress Miniatures. For those of you living on that big island of the blissful aka Great Britain this might sound like good news but for us mere continental Europeans this means a hefty price rise due to a rather disadvantageous exchange rate... not to speak of their general pricing policy *grumble*. This will probably mean this project is 'completed' faster than anticipated.

So that's it for the moment. Hopefully till next time!


  1. they are fantastic!

    Par St Michel ! Vive les Paras !

  2. Just brilliant as always. You best work has a single additional colour to draw attention and that is missing in this case. However red blood would ruin the scene and the quality of your work speaks for itself

  3. You so are an amazing talent! I wondered what had happened to this project, but thrilled to see it resurrected and in such style - bravo Nick.

  4. What a fantastic vignette, well done!

  5. Superb work yet again Nick! I was wondering how you were going to work the camo and it seems you pulled it off brilliantly! I well understand your frustration on the price hike!


  6. Exceptional brushwork! Camouflage is amazing.

  7. Fantastic ! Grey-Scale Camouflage looks great indeed. Wish I´d be able to do this in colour....

  8. Great work! I think the camo turned out top notch. Amazing how colourful it can look while still being only grayscale!

  9. Great work indeed. A very dramatic outcome

  10. Lovely work. I expect we'll be seeing more of this project during the Challenge :)

  11. BEAU-TI-FUL !!!! Fantastic!!!! Thanks for all your incredible painting. I am still sad to have been constrained to sell this great range (to Age of Glory, but it is true that Empress is their Europe distributor). I hope they will continue it as there is so much potential for great figures.

    Christian from Red Star Miniatures

  12. Considering the subject matter your choice of colour scheme was absolutely spot on! Fantastic choice and equally well implemented. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  13. Fantastic! Such a challenging topic to tackle in greyscale!

  14. Terrific work. I love how the medic's face looks both compassionate and careworn. A real story here. Bravo.

  15. Wonderful work Nick! I love this sepia-tone you've created for this project.

  16. Awesome work without any doubt!
    Actually I'm not a big fan of greyscale work but it's always a pleasire to come here and look at your wonderful pieces of art.


  17. Nothing short of art... great work :)
