
31 May 2015

1940 BEF finished...

... for now at least.

Over the last few days I finished the last additions for my 1940 BEF. I'm still a little short on points compared to my Germans but I'm sure they'll make up for it with their ferocity.

1st Lieutenant


Artillery or Artillery forward observer
The medic and the Forward Observer are still missing an assistant each but they'll have to wait till WG release their BEF as single figures.

QF 2 pounder Anti Tank Gun

The big AT-Gun base looks a little empty now. I think I've to add some battlefield litter like propaganda posters or news papers and the like to make it look a little less clinical. Also while dry fitting the different parts I somehow forgot the darn guns wheels which should have been placed near it. Well... as there's no space left I've decided they're just out of sight.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Excellent work! And congrats on finishing the project! Truly an impressive force

  2. Fabulous work as always. Each a work of art in itself. Your painting style, as well as your basing, are both flawless and distinctive.

  3. Yes ... truly stunning work. The reds are a great touch.

  4. Absolutely splendid, I've thoroughly enjoyed watching this collection grow.

  5. As always, an excellen job...and this base is always!

  6. Wow, your AT-Gun is wonderful!

  7. Superb technique M! - your highlighting meticulously traced along the edges really breathes life into these minis! I really hope you'd do a step-by-step guide to your fantastic weathering technique for metal. The scratches and chits in the AT's paint job is just sublime.

  8. Great ! And again some beautiful bases...

  9. These are excellent! The bases are awesome!

  10. Superb painting and basing! Your BEF force is museum quality. Good luck to them when they take the field!

  11. Outstanding brushwork as always Nick! I'm sure they will look superb on the tabletop!


  12. Fantastic. Superb weathering on the 2pdr.

  13. How do you manage to paint such a great number of figures within a short time? And in such an impressive artwork? I really like your figures and your projects.

  14. Quality painting. This collection needs to be on the top shelf of the display cabinet.

  15. Superb work on this collection... very inspiring and tells me I must get back to some WW2 stuff myself soon!
