
15 February 2015

13th submission to the challenge: 28mm First Indochina Viet Minh in Greyscale (67 Points)

First of all my apologies for not having commented on your blogs lately. A nasty flu has knocked me out cold and while I was following your progress I simply didn't feel like trying to make 'clever' sounding comments while the eyes hurt and the head spun.
But the flu has ebbed away and I'm back at the brushes again and I'll comment on your blogs again like the complete smart ass I am ;-)

Furthermore I haven't posted my latest progress on the challenge so here's my last submission:

For this weeks submission I left the homey shores of my favourite period and went to explore the perilious lands of South East Asia.As some of you might know I'm doing the First Indochina War lately. And as if that's not enough of a challenge all this is done in greyscale.


Redstar Miniatures offer a very nice range of figures sculpted by the very talented and ubiquitous Paul Hicks (Somehow it seems to me as if there's almost no range out there he hasn't already sculpted at least a few figures for).
If you only have the slightest interest in this period you really should give this range a try. I certainly can't recommend these figures enough.

Those of you knowing my earlier greyscale figures will know I'm always trying to add a focal point by using red for some part of the figure. But for a whole force I considered it to be too much. So I painted a red flag with yellow star for my Viet Minh. For the flag shaft I tried to make it look like bamboo.

Another nice touch about the Redstar figures is the weapon teams coming in both moving and firing poses. The firing version of this mortar team is still to be done though.

For the metallic parts of the rifles I tried to produce something akin to Non Metallic Metal but I'm not totally convinced yet by my first attempts.

The rest of my initial Viet Minh order from Redstar Miniatures is currently sitting on my painting desk and I'm hoping to get them done during the last three weeks of the challenge.


  1. These are fantastic. It's interesting how your normal paint style still shows through even with the sepia paints. The flag is brilliant. I love these.

  2. Very nice work! I love how you paint your greyscale units. They somehow seem very colourful even if the palette is very limited. That red flag adds a really nice focal point to the whole unit.

    Ever though about writing up a tutorial for your gray scale method? :)

  3. Fantastic colours and the effects are great. I think the gun metal is done just right.

  4. Glad you're feeling better :)
    Lovely looking figures.

  5. First of all - good that you're feeling better again! Also, compliments on this latest example of your masterful greyscale painting - I love the emphasis put on the red flag! Very impressive animation and variety in this range. I think you did good on the metal though, the carefully applied light grey highlights does the trick in my book for non metal looking metal :0)

  6. Glad you are better and on to the painting again !

    Lovely paintwork, i´m really impressed by your grayscale style !

    best regards Michael

  7. Simply outstanding Nick! The best Greyscale in 28mm out there! Excellent positioning of colour! Really look forward to seeing everything!


  8. Great work... greyscale is something I always hated to paint and gave up virtually instantly, so I am even more amazed at your great work here!

  9. Fantastic work again; I've never done greyscale, but you certainly have it mastered. Nice contrast with the full color flag too.

  10. Don't know how you guys do this greyscale thing but it looks fantastic!

  11. Such muted colours are suppose to look dull BUT you make them look fantastic. Awesome job! ^_^
