
30 November 2014

Second German rifle squad

Hobby wise I've been really busy this week in order to get the next German rifle squad done before the 5th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge starts.

And as you might see I even succeeded. Again I've really enjoyed working on these fabulous figures.

For my next bases I bought me some ready made stones as I don't get my self cut ones to be all in one size. 

Why this fellow is carrying his helmet in his hand while wearing his Field Cap, aka "Schiffchen" (little ship), somehow escapes me. Should have given him a bare head instead but now it's too late.

Also I don't know where the Unteroffizier has got his officers map case from. I assume he might have "organised" it somewhere. I hope his platoon leader will overlook it.

Now having these fellows out of the way I'll put my brushes down for some days before the frenzy of the Challenge starts.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoyed!


  1. Stunning paint work !!!

    Like the minis very much, is it warlord plastics?

  2. They have so much character, you really are producing top quality miniatures!

  3. I applaud the subtle variations on the uniforms - amazing stuff :)
    You are managing to produce high quality in some quantity - and you haven't even started the challenge yet...?

  4. These guys are just wonderful! Great work!

  5. Excellent as always, really impressive!

  6. Great especially the MG base. The red bricks give the extra kick.

  7. Inspiring painting, love your clean style and the level of attention to details like the metal on the rifles! But - the basing just lifts the models to that top notch level of finish. That MG position is like a little diorama!

  8. Superb painting and basing - I'm very impressed

  9. Superb work! The small variety in uniform colours and shades really makes them feel like they've seen some stuff and aren't just coming straight out of boot camp.

  10. Flawless brushwork and basing. I have to say the way paint the standard issue uniforms surpasses the look of many camouflage paint jobs.

  11. Awe inspiring! Painting, basing...all flawless. You better rest before the big painting race. ;-)

  12. They're unbelievably painted. You're probably going to win people's and player's choice awards.

  13. Wonderful work as always Nick! Looking forward to seeing them "Blitz" their way on the gaming table.


  14. Oh my ... these look absolutely stunning. I am a huge fan of your work ... it certainly inspires me to paint better.

  15. As I wrote on Sweetwater - you need some Early War paratroops. Well done, Sir!
