
28 September 2014

M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun, Medic and Sniper

Some more reinforcements for my newly acquired WW2 US Army.
Figures are a mix of Artizan Designs and Warlord Games.

First the M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun from Warlord Games. I quite like the model and the figures. It really was a joy to paint and turned out quite well I think. Had to paint it twice because I (again :-/) went a little over board with the weathering but this time I got it rather well I think.

The gun was (again) missing some parts but this time Warlord Games were fast to reply and sent me a whole new gun with crew and some extra bits in almost no time. I hope their improvement in service is a lasting one.

The crew was quite nice too. The faces look a little old but maybe it's a "senior" gun crew.

Next the sniper and his spotter. Both are from Artizan Designs and I thoroughly  enjoyed painting them. Mike Owens sculpts are still my favourites. No needless details but lots of character.

Next up the Medic and his stretcher bearer. The bearer is Warlord while the Medic is from the Artizan 81mm Medium Mortar. 

At the moment there's the Warlord plastic M3 Halftrack on my painting desk alongside a third squad of Infantry. So as long as nothing shiny catches my attention there will be some more US goodness soon.

Tanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed!


  1. Looks just wonderful Nick!! Your weathering is spot on. Looking forward to another game soon.:-)


  2. Very nice indeed :) Like the way you've based the gun... some sort of sabot...removable base...? Did you do that yourself..?
    The figures blend well with each other too - couldn't tell the difference.

  3. Absolutely superb work mate. The shading on the jackets and facing is brilliant and the gun base is just as well executed.

  4. Wonderful work again! I think the weathering on the gun is just spot on! Definately not overboard

  5. Really nice work getting that uniform green right! Also, I'm a big fan of your basing, loads of details that adds character to the unit!

  6. Stunning work! Very impressive!

  7. Excellent job, very realistic paint job!

  8. Another stellar batch of WW II. Can a "Painting War" magazine featuring your painting be far behind? I for one would love it!

  9. Some great additions to your collection!

  10. Very beautiful paint work - as usual.
    I like all of the figures and the painting style - but I like the stretcher bearer most of them all.

  11. Nice work as usual. Realistic greens on the uniforms. Also nothing like wearing a medic's uniform to say shoot me ... unfortunately for those poor heroic guys during the war.

  12. Great looking American GI's. Superb basing too. Dean

  13. Love the faces on the crew. Superb painting and basing all round.

  14. Hello Nick, impressiv work. You always find a way to integrate Character in your figures/Army! This time the medic does

  15. the stretcherbearer and the medic most.
