
04 May 2014

A small village in Germania

Despite not beeing overly productive over the last month I managed to finish a few items for my Dark Age gaming.
At Tactica I bought the superb Viking Civilians by Wargames Foundry.
I think they're not only usable for Vikings but also will do just fine for any civilians throughout the Dark Ages.
Trouble in the village

A closer look at the figures

A scenic shot on my gaming mat... I urgently have to add some more green patches

I not only painted the civilians but also some of my loot from the great Stronghold Terrain booth at Tactica.
The dungheap was a pre-release so not yet available

For every 10,-€ spent you got one small piece extra
Now I only have a single Dark Age building by Stronghold and a Roman temple from Najewitz Modellbau left and I'm done with my Tactica loot.

And last but not least I did five bases of birch trees after an idea from Michael Awdry of 28mm Victorian Warfare fame.
I'm not completely satisfied with how the foliage turned out

Thanks for watching and hope you enjoyed!


  1. Excellent painting once again! Great looking terrain too. The trees are excellent. Have to try the same recipe sometime as the ever dominating spruce trees, that 95% of the woods at my club are, are getting a bit boring

  2. Fantastic looking villagers Nick! The building and dung heap of course look great too! You need to bring them along for our next game as I'd like a closer look and they would look great on the table.


  3. Wonderful work on all of your color items! I especially like your lovely civilians. And the dung heap, let's call it the
    early forefather of the compost heap. I have one, but it's not quite that foul!

  4. Excellent work :) Thanks for the lead on the tree idea - must note that one and give it a go sometime...

  5. Greate painted minis !!!

    Love the rooster that seems to rule the world from the top of the dungheap:)

    Best regards Michael

    Best regards Michael

  6. Absolutely stunning! Love the dung heap and great idea by adding the foliage to the Birch trees.

  7. Lovely figures and terrain!

  8. Neat, really! I like the models' and the terrain's atmosphere. Even though they seem to have some minor troubles the village looks like quite a peaceful place :)
    More green spots would be a good idea indeed.

  9. Great work, Nick.
    The paintjob and also the style of the buildings and the terrain is perfect.

  10. Excellent work, beautiful pictures...

  11. Brilliant ! Especially the nagging valkyrie :)

  12. Absolutely wonderful work!

  13. Excellent work. Those civillians are lovely.

