
13 April 2014

Thought of the day: Burn the Heretic!

Well...  there wasn't or better still isn't much going on at Moiti towers painting wise since Curts painting challenge. To some point this has something to do with some kind of painting burn out which grabbed me after submitting the last figures. Well, to be honest my output already slowed down significantly during the last few weeks of the challenge but over the last weeks afterwards it virtually ground to a stand still.
On the other hand an unusual warm and sunny spring (Up to 27°C at some days) in this part of the world ment a sudden increase of time spent at work.

To get back on track I decided it was time to paint something I wouldn't normally do. With this in mind I went for my local dealer and after some time I came up with a pack of those new snap fit stuff GW started to produce since one of the latest editions of their 40k ruleset. So these Cultists were the first miniatures I bought from the evil empire in years. Except for some of their Black Library publications, which are great stuff for a Dark-SciFi addict like me, I don't normally bother about anything they produce because of their pricing and attitude towards their customers... but I disgress.

Despite painting this little guy took me some days due to work and other commitments I'm really pleased with the outcome.

So hopefully it's now back to the brushes for me :-)

Thanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed.


  1. He of course looks great Nick! Perhaps you might want to check out Lead Adventures and Pig Iron which offer some very nice figures for a dark and gritty Sci-fi if that interests you.


  2. Hehe, welcome back to the GW addicts ;)
    Love the paintjob, really! I've always liked your style and this model illustrates pretty well why. You have a clear and crisp way of painting (with bright & strong colours) yet the little fella looks kinda dirty though. I'm pretty excited to see what's coming next mate.

  3. Looking realy good ! Like the spike club very much !

  4. Ich hatte mich schon gefragt, wie lange Du den Output der letzten Monate bei gleichbleibender Qualität durchhälst.
    Aber zur Erholung in den GW-Laden ?! TsTsTsTsTs...dennoch sieht der Bursche wirklich gut aus !

    1. Danke dir! Naja, nicht wirklich der GW Laden, sondern eher mein lokaler Einzelhändler aber ansonsten hast du natürlich recht... ich sollte mich schämen :-)

  5. fantastic - lovely brush work and detail.

  6. Nice - admire the way you get so much impact out of a 'drab' palette :)

  7. Great painting and a nice change-up! I'm curious to hear what project this goes with...Weird Wars? ;-)

    1. Thank you Monty. No project planned yet but probably some kind of post apoc madness in the future.

    2. With this and grayscale, you are pushing the boundaries!

  8. Stunning paintwork on this figure!

  9. Great work Nick! I really like his mace and gasmask. I have to admit that when I first saw him I thought he might be a casting from Lead Adventure. I'll have to check of GW's range as it seems there are some good proxies for post-apoc themes.

    1. Thanks Curt. Unfortunately no LA figure but one day I have to get me some of them.

  10. Excellent painting job! Very inspirational.

  11. A good choice of colours that really work well.
