
23 December 2013

Cross of Iron 'Hauptmann Stransky' - 1st Painting Challenge Entry

Well after more than 24 hours have expired I now can show you the first figure I painted for the Painting Challenge and thereby bring back a bit of life into this very blog.

I'm starting into the challenge with my entry fee figure. Seemingly opposed to all others I didn't go for the Wild West theme but decided (after Curt pointed out to me the film is from Peckinpah also) to do 'Hauptmann Stransky' from Cross of Iron. 

It's a miniature from Artizan Designs I deemed appropriate for the job. Originally the figure had a Iron Cross around his neck but to stay with the film I decided to remove it. As for the basing I imagined him in some trench or command post.

I really enjoyed painting the figure, as I do with most Artizan figures. In fact, as I he's due to departure to Canada, I'm planning to do a second miniature for my own use too.

Thanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed!


  1. He looks great Nick and I'm sure Curt is going to be very pleased to own him!


  2. Very good paint work!

    Merry christmas !!!

    Best regards Michael

  3. Great figure...hope you have an excellent Christmas :)

  4. Bravo, he truly looks the part! And the basing is wonderful. Cross of Iron is one of my favorite WW II fiction books and a pretty decent movie.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Very nice jobs, gabardine you has been great
