
16 August 2013

Rush for Berlin 10: New riflemen & a bit of conversion

I'm not painting that much at the moment but I'm not totally lazy. I spent the last view days converting some of the German Infantry by Artizan Designs. As I don't really like the tiny weapons they have modeled on, I had to replace them, using the new metal StG44's and spare weapons from the german plastic weapon sprues by Warlord Games.

I urgently needed some new Panzerfäuste.

A former MG-42 gunner now carrying a StG44

Much to tiny MP40 now replaced by a plastic StG44

More heroic waving a russian pistol, isn't it?

The original barrel was much to short.

Also I started the basing of my ready and soon (hopefully) to be ready vehicles for my german and russian forces.

To make sure you don't have to go to bed without seeing some painted figures:

I'm quite pleased with how the camo worked out.

Thanks for watching.


  1. Greate conversion work!

    Thank you very much for not letting us go to bed without seeing some of your stunningly painted minis, Will give us sweet dreams ;)

    Best regards Michael

  2. Great painting Nick and the camo looks wonderful! Say that's a lot of Germans are you building for Bolt Action or Chain of Command?


    1. I'm doing this with Bolt Action in mind though I'd definitely give CoC a go too.

  3. Hi Nick,
    Great as always. Seems that your German army will grow very fast.

  4. Looking forward to see them painted :)

  5. Excellent conversions, vehicles and painting!

  6. Indeed, some excellent conversion work there. And the painted stuff is very nice, too!
    You know, I'm really getting into this WW2 thing myself, and your miniatures are a great inspiration. On your and Axebreaker's recommendation I also had a look at Operation Squad, since there are too many interesting theatres of that war to cover them all even at platoon level. OpSq seems to be a perfect solution for that.

    Cheers, SG

    1. OS is a very nice game and we used to play it for a couple of times. In my eyes it's a bit complex though as I prefer the Bier & Brezel kind of game like Bolt Action.

  7. Very effective conversion work, I look forward to seeing these painted with some of your excellent camo work.
