
09 July 2013

Rush for Berlin 8: German PaK40

Cheers Gents,

It's been a while since I last dipped my brush into some paint, but as we all know real life can sometimes be quite tedious. None the less my PaK40 is finally finished... at least I thought so. Having bought the "Operation Squad: Reinforcements" Supplement via the Wargamevault yesterday it took some time till I realized that I need a fourth man for the crew. Same for my mortar... :-/ Means I have to get back to my painting table to paint up at least two figures to bring my heavy weapons up to paper-strength.

Anyway here the pics:

Maybe this week I'll have the time to write some words about Axebreakers and mine last two games of "Dux Britanniarum". So watch this space and thanks for viewing!


  1. Wow! That is sensational stuff, absolutely stunning!

  2. Love the camo. Excellent work, as usual!

  3. Killer work here. Your camo is superb!

  4. Stunning !!!

    Looking forward to heare more about the Dux britanniarum games, and some nice pictures ofcourse;(

    Best regards Michael

  5. Ein schönes Modell, ich stehe absolut auf Deine ausdrucksvollen Gesichter!

  6. Hey die PaK sieht echt gut aus, schön gebraucht - das gefällt mir sehr gut!

  7. Now that just looks great Nick!! Love the weathering effects!

    I'm very busy re-basing the AWI British I've aquired that 'I've had no time to write up our Dux reports so I'm looking forward to your write up.

    I hope to see you on the 21st!:-)

